How to Stimulate Hair Growth

How to Stimulate Hair Growth

In the market there are many over the counter products that promise the seemingly impossible: to stimulate hair growth in a short time. Often people end up spending money for a product that does not really work, thinking about it will tell you some simple ways to stimulate hair growth.

Getting enough water

How to Stimulate Hair Growth

90% of our body is composed of water, ie, we are water; but the question is how much water you drink daily? If you have hair loss is possible that low, why you should check how much water you should take every day as your body mass index (BMI) and be sure to stay well hydrated. A practice that generally benefit your body.

Healthy Habits

How to Stimulate Hair Growth

Often healthy habits are those that could help with hair growth. Ideally for maintaining healthy hair is to note that you should eat right, exercise and sleep at least eight hours at night, because when the body does not receive these habits that happens is that he himself is responsible for producing energy savings less hair.

A massage a week

How to Stimulate Hair Growth

What is important for stimulating hair growth is primarily to maintain a healthy scalp and this can be achieved with massage olive oil, jojoba or coconut, the recommendation is that you do once a week, it will be a matter of taking a little time in the night and make yourself a scalp massage, step you take stress.

Avoid to care

How to Stimulate Hair Growth

Ideally when you have lost a lot of hair or want to stimulate the growth of it, is that you avoid by any means tools that may dry your scalp or mistreat your hair constantly, in the case of heaters, dryers or irons who abuse their hair. It's about being frugal in their use.

Other Recommendations

How to Stimulate Hair Growth

Remember to keep your hair ponytails or braids too tight can slow the growth of hair, well worth you let him loose to make it grow naturally and healthily. Furthermore it is important to use bath products quality, namely, shampoos and conditioners with vitamins A, B, C and E to make your hair healthy is also abundant.

We hope these simple recommendations come to change your life with a hearty and healthy hair. What are you doing to stimulate hair growth?

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