5 Golden Rules Beauty

Golden Rules Beauty
Each woman has her own beauty rules to always be perfect, but it is true that often we like to share our tricks with other women in order to improve our rules and even change for each other. Today I bring you some golden rules in beauty so you're always perfect and not make small mistakes that can cause major disasters. Are you ready?

1. Not a hair over where not touch! 

Golden Rules Beauty
The head is well that have hair and that you care for him... but the rest of the body must know how to remove all the leftovers! For example, a well-plucked eyebrows are great but a bad hair removal in this area causes a horrible effect on anyone's face.

Likewise, legs, underarms or English... if there is more hair on the account, the effect can be quite anti aesthetic, so choose hair removal system that you like (shaving blade, wax laser...), but there are no hairs which does not touch!

2. Conditioner or suitable mask

Golden Rules Beauty
If you use a conditioner that is not suitable for you, you will notice right away the bad effects it will have on your hair; so much so you could even have your scalp irritation. To prevent this from happening, you have to check if necessary with your hairdresser to find the conditioner or mask that best suits you.

3. Using either the eyeliner

Golden Rules Beauty
Some use the eyeliner so that when goes out, everything looks like a raccoon... is all a mistake! To use the eyeliner practical, technical and, above all, patience is required.

4. Nails well trimmed

Golden Rules Beauty
Nails are an essential part of the beauty of women, both fingernails and the toenails. Having the longest fingernails than usual can be a horror, especially when they are neglected. It is better to have good nails trimmed and decorated to have them long without care. Watch your nails!

5. Smelling good

Golden Rules Beauty
The smell is a fundamental part of all beauty, because a woman who is fixed, that is beautiful, that view perfectly but that smells bad... will make everyone around you want to run! 

So besides being a neat woman must carefully choose your perfume. You can use perfume that you like and vary or have one that is your hallmark. What better see!

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